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James lab team members

Richard James

Richard James James Lab

Principal Investigator

Nathan Camp

Nathan Camp James Lab

Senior Scientist

Rene Cheng

Rene Cheng.png

Iana Meitlis

Iana Meitlis James lab

Research Technician

Karlee Orvik

Karlee Orvik James Lab

Undergraduate Student

Tyler Hill


Emma Suchland

Emma Suchland James lab

Research Technician

Tingting Zhang 

Tingting Zhang.png

Senior Scientist

Former lab members

Post-doctoral fellows

1. Veronika Glukhova - post-doc from 2014-2016. Now a Research Contractor at Intellectual Ventures, Bellevue, Washington.

Research Technicians

1. Meghan Garrett - now is a graduate student in the Overbaugh lab at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in the Molecular & Cellular Biology graduate program.


2. Katie Bosch - now is a software engineer at Moz.

Undergraduate students

1. Shy-ya Serena Hu - now is a clinical research technician at Seattle Children's.


2. Jim Hibbard - now is a research technician in the Torgerson lab at Seattle Children's Research Institute. 

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