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Ajay Gopal is a senior member of the clinical research group for hematologic malignancies at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. The Gopal lab is focused on identifying and testing novel therapeutics for lymphoma. Our work with the Gopal lab is focused on identifying resistance mechanisms for B cell targeted therapies in lymphoma; including resistance to ibrutinib, venetoclax, idelalisib and others.

 and                  Labs

The James lab works with these labs extensively (1, 2, 3) in our efforts to better understand how coding variants associated with autoimmune disease (Type 1 diabetes and lupus) impact protein function, cellular signaling and developmental outcome. 

Jason Debley's lab uses epidemiological, clinical and molecular methods to determine the causes of morbidity in pediatric asthma. We have worked with the Debley lab (4) to determine the proteins secreted by bronchial epithelium isolated from asthmatic versus that isolated from healthy control children. Our goal is to identify novel factors secreted by healthy epithelia that restrain fibrosis that could potentially limit lung function defects in asthma.  

Adrian Piliponsky's lab studies inflammatory processes involving mast cells including allergic inflammation, inflammation during sepsis and inflammation caused by bacterial infections. We have worked with the Piliponsky lab (5) to identify chymase cleavage sites in the clotting factor, F13A and to characterize their relevance to bleeding times during sepsis.  

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The James lab is looking for exciting new collaborations. Please contact us if interested.

© 2016 by Rich James.

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